Acquisitions / Sales / Mergers

Why a lawyer?

Whether you are buying your first business or retiring and selling your last, the value of experienced counsel can make the difference between an okay deal and a great deal.

The value of a deal is not just in the price or even the legal documents setting out the rights of the parties. When buying a business, the value also depends upon the relationships you are entering into with the business – with suppliers, employees, and customers, among others.

When selling a business, the value also depends on your goals and peace of mind after the deal is closed.

And the value we bring is not limited to acquisitions – it also applies to exits, whether for sales to third-parties or for bringing the next generation of your family into your business.

For third-party sales, we advise regarding actions to best assure lock in all the value the business can generate. Accomplishing these typically takes time and effort in advance of a sale, so an owner is well advised to consult with us about a planned sale as far ahead of time as possible.

When bringing on the next generation, a well-thought-out succession plan can ease the transition and offer the best probability for success for your heirs. Even the most meticulously drawn will and probate cannot substitute for succession planning in your business.

Our experience can help you in any one of these areas and result in far more value than cost.

Services including but not limited to:

  • Purchase and Sale Documents, including Earn-Out provisions, Bills of Sale, Deeds and Leases, Promissory Notes, Security Agreements, Consulting Agreements, and the like
  • Merger Documents
  • Due Diligence
  • Advising Directors and Managers on duties
  • Advising on Post-Closing Rights and Obligations
  • Advising on integration issues
  • Succession planning for the next generation or sales to employees