Trusted Blawg

June 30, 2017

Social Media — Best Practice To Train Employees on Proper Communications

Social Media — Best Practice To Train Employees on Proper Communications Why a post from a business lawyer on social media day? Whatever you as a […]
July 3, 2017

Independence Day, Pursuit of Happiness, and the Rule of Law

Independence Day, Pursuit of Happiness, and the Rule of Law Our Independence Day foreshadowed a new era, not only in personal freedom, but in recognizing rights […]
August 17, 2017

W-2 or 1099? – Are Your Personnel Employees or Contractors?

W-2 or 1099? – Are Your Personnel Employees or Contractors? More than once a business owner calls me 2 weeks after he or she has hired the first […]
August 17, 2017

Suspicious Minds – make everyone poorer

Suspicious Minds – make everyone poorer An Elvis tune came to mind on the 4oth anniversary of his passing.  People have recently said to me that […]